The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers — Civics 101: A Podcast


The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers

Lesson of the day

Federalist Papers: Race to Ratify from iCivics, Grade 8-12

Listen: You can hear the episode here (Apple podcasts) on YouTube, or on our website. Feel free to take notes on our Graphic Organizer! When you listen to the episode, think about the following questions:

  1. What were the major concerns the Anti-Federalists had with the proposed constitution?

  2. Many of the authors of the papers on both sides used pseudonyms. Why do you think that was? Is this a practice we should consider continuing when it comes to political discourse?

Do: Take a QUIZ on the episode! Ten points possible. Or should I say X points?

Do: Race to Ratify

Today we feature one of the greatest lessons on the views of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists ever created. Race to Ratify, by our dear friends at iCivics, is a 30-minute game where you travel the 13 new states after the convention and hear arguments for and against the newly drafted constitution. Where do you stand on federal vs. state power? On the powers of the executive? On a bill of rights?? You’ll hear no more from me, jump in and play, it’s an absolute delight. Have a lovely weekend, and we’ll see you Monday!
